LRPR II - Graduates from LRPR I will be approved to attend LRPR II & LRPR III.

Course Cost $750
LRPR II starts out like day 4 of LRPR I, quickly the class will be able to tell that we are picking up the pace. Our goal is to build a very efficient team at this point. Clear communication, quick second round corrections and efficiency on and off the line. Mastering the basic fundamentals are more important in the advanced Courses. Students will learn to build a stable platform above prone in alternate positions and continue to hone these skills throughout LRII.
Range Estimation familiarization will be introduced to the class with practical application as well. As the Course moves on, the class will experience many different range lanes. Learning to setup their position in uneven, rocky terrain with the equipment they have, backpack, tripod and natural/manmade props.
The feedback from this Course has been one of the favorite classes for many students. One of the favorites for the Instructor Staff as well. Students must get a go ahead from Instructors after completion of LRPR I to attend LRPR II.
- Alternate positions
- Range Estimation - MIL-MOA Relation Formula
- Known Distance (verify data)
- Unknown Distance Range 100 - 1,200 yds
- Cold Bore Verification
- Alternate & Practical supported positions
- Multiple target engagements
- Range Cards/ Data book recording
- Qualification for LRPR III
- Various locations, Various Scenarios using all concepts previously learned, on foot at times.
*We are Kestrel AB Dealers-We will need 2 weeks notice to have a Unit here for your Course.*
Kestrel not required for course-Bonus user discussion.
- Be prepared for long days. Pay close attention to foot wear and quality wool/poly blend socks. Dress in layers. Hydration will be crucial the evenings before and during this course. Phase II will require moderate movement through uneven, hilly terrain with "equipment packed efficiently and carried" at times. One quality set of Binoculars recommended along with a spotting scope per team.
** 250+ Rounds per shooter, BTHP Match grade ammunition recommended. **
- Ground Pad if desired
- Large & Small pocket notepad for Data Collection
- Sand sock/Rear bag (supports buttstock)
- Padded Drag bag or padded rifle case
- Pens, Pencils & note taking material-Inclement (COLD/RAIN) weather gear
- Spotting Scope (at least 25x+ optic), with tripod
- Eye/Ear Protection
- Backpack w/h camelback 100oz./Canteen, ABLE to carry your equipment while on the move.
- Solar calculator
- Tripod w/ Hog or Pig Saddle rifle craddle
- Sling w/ carabiner
- We Recommend the Hog Saddle SS Loophole Sling
Rifle Set-up
- Precision Rifle caliber sufficient for LR application ( 1 MOA accuracy or better recommended)
- Rifle Scope (At Least 10x)
- Rifle scope with sufficient MOA/MIL adjustments for Elevation (20 moa base recommended)
- Swivel Bipod for Rifle platform
- 300 rounds of match grade ammunition (BTHP) recommended.
- Bottled water and snacks -Camera
- Sunscreen, hat, Bug/Tick spray
- Comfortable heavy material clothing recommended.
- Comfortable hiking shoes/boots